TOP>Stock List>Nissan Fairlady Z GS31 modified
Nissan Fairlady Z GS31 modified

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I want to run that dream again! With extraordinary passion The out-of-print original Z revived in the modern age
The first generation S30 series Fairlady Z produced by Nissan between 1969 and 1978, which is popular as a classic car worldwide, is famous for the story that Yutaka Katayama, the president of Nissan of America at the time, persuaded the design team to “make a car like the Jaguar E-Type” to develop the North American market. The story of the birth of the first S30 FAIRLADY Z is well known. As Mr. Katayama had hoped, the first generation S30 series, which was far less expensive than European cars at the time, but incorporated technology that was more than equal in performance, became a big hit in North America. I was in the U.S. until 2000, and even today, Z-Cars modified by enthusiastic North American enthusiasts can be seen all over the continent.

I wanted to drive a 2-by-2 back in the day! This is a project to make you into the lady you always wanted to be!
The owner, who is a qualified auto mechanic and a professional modeler, who we met this time, has been working on this model for 1 year and 3 months with extraordinary love and passion, investing several hundred hours after work every day, sometimes sleeping in his garage, and it is the GS31 Kai that he has produced from the very state of “dongara”. The GS31 was built from the ground up. The lady who appeared at the interview site, which was in a very good location, was exactly like the lady in the movie “My Fair Lady,” as if a boorish country girl was transformed into a lady, a truly cool beauty with good taste that tickles men’s hearts. Yes! The maroon color, Z-nose, and voluptuous proportions are further enhanced by the unseen long wheelbase! It was a passionate machine with proportions that were “breathtakingly beautiful…” The owner, with 100% professional modeler sensibility, sublimated her desire to “make that dream run again” beyond the boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius of her image. When viewed from different angles, its voluminous proportions change many times due to the skill of its complex curved surface design! And that is what makes it so beautiful! When I looked at the well-proportioned (meaning long wheelbase) lady in front of me, I thought of Mr. Yutaka Katayama’s famous words at the beginning of this article, “Make a car like the Jaguar E-Type! I was thinking of the famous words of Mr. Yutaka Katayama, “Make a car like the Jaguar E-Type!

An original lady created by the creator's sensibility with an image in his mind.
The owner’s 1/1 model car project started 5 years ago when he happened to acquire a relatively good condition 2by2. First of all, he unloaded the car and overhauled the L20 engine and transmission. Basically, the engine is the final Bosch-developed L-Jetronic Nissan EGI specification, and it is now “a lady’s specification that can be driven with ease, despite its appearance. It is very nice to be able to ride in this car easily. After that, we started a careful body restoration, stripping off all of the relatively little corrosion on the body and finishing it up. The work cannot be described without passion, and each part was carefully and lovingly polished to resemble a grown lady, and when he said with a laugh that “the life of the car has clearly been shortened,” I couldn’t help but feel that he had spent a wonderful and enjoyable time. I couldn’t help but feel that he was having a wonderful and enjoyable time.
In the background of corporate manufacturing, there is always a production environment bound by time and cost, but I always think that passionate manufacturing that disregards time and cost can sometimes produce wonderful works of art that cannot be produced by corporations. As the modeler owner gradually came to see the shape of the Lady after spending a long and arduous (but actually enjoyable) time, an image of the finished product began to emerge, and the 1/1 modeler owner finally proceeded to the finishing work to materialize the image in his mind. The 5-part G-nose was installed perfectly after more than 20 attempts, as if to say, “This is how old cars should be ridden. Longer, lower, and wider! Kayaba short shocks and Kameari’s reinforced suspension (for vehicle inspections) were used to lower the vehicle with a mature sense of style. Deep rimmed wheels with 9.5J in the front and 11.5J (!!!) in the rear were installed. The rear over fenders were machined and molded in two layers to accommodate the deep rimmed wheels. Two over fenders were machined and molded on top of each other to create this lady’s unique and original proportions!

A glamorous debut... And what awaited me the moment my thoughts took shape...
The owner’s 1/1 model car project started 5 years ago when he happened to acquire a relatively good condition 2by2. First of all, he unloaded the car and overhauled the L20 engine and transmission. Basically, the engine is the final Bosch-developed L-Jetronic Nissan EGI specification, and it is now “a lady’s specification that can be driven with ease, despite its appearance. It is very nice to be able to ride in this car easily. After that, we started a careful body restoration, stripping off all of the relatively little corrosion on the body and finishing it up. The work cannot be described without passion, and each part was carefully and lovingly polished to resemble a grown lady, and when he said with a laugh that “the life of the car has clearly been shortened,” I couldn’t help but feel that he had spent a wonderful and enjoyable time. I couldn’t help but feel that he was having a wonderful and enjoyable time.
In the background of corporate manufacturing, there is always a production environment bound by time and cost, but I always think that passionate manufacturing that disregards time and cost can sometimes produce wonderful works of art that cannot be produced by corporations. As the modeler owner gradually came to see the shape of the Lady after spending a long and arduous (but actually enjoyable) time, an image of the finished product began to emerge, and the 1/1 modeler owner finally proceeded to the finishing work to materialize the image in his mind. The 5-part G-nose was installed perfectly after more than 20 attempts, as if to say, “This is how old cars should be ridden. Longer, lower, and wider! Kayaba short shocks and Kameari’s reinforced suspension (for vehicle inspections) were used to lower the vehicle with a mature sense of style. Deep rimmed wheels with 9.5J in the front and 11.5J (!!!) in the rear were installed. The rear over fenders were machined and molded in two layers to accommodate the deep rimmed wheels. Two over fenders were machined and molded on top of each other to create this lady’s unique and original proportions!The grand project of a professional modeler owner who started with such a feeling, “I want to run that dream again…”, “I aim to exceed the original and create a lady with good proportions with sensitivity, just like the image in my mind…”, has gone through a “modified official vehicle inspection” approved by the government and made its debut in the glamorous world of society. The project is now ready for its debut in the glamorous world of society. The car appeared in a famous nostalgic car show, which had been the owner’s dream stage, and her debut as a glamorous lady was widely introduced in the local newspaper. As a result, the owner now has many friends and is enjoying a very meaningful life. The story takes an unexpected turn…. We sometimes hear this fact in our interviews at Enso no Mori: “They feel the greatest joy in building the car, and once it is finished, they do not ride it. It does not mean that they have lost their love for it.
The owner’s words, “This thing has done its job…,” conveyed this sentiment. And this is what I remember most about this story. The original lady, who was brought up by a professional modeler owner with extraordinary love, had an excellent proportion, somewhat similar to a classic English Fang Lady, and she is now looking for her next gentleman.

Afterword to this story...
I found myself taking more than 300 photos, most of them from slightly different angles. I kept pressing the shutter button, really looking forward to seeing the voluminous expression of the lady in front of me. 30cm longer wheelbase and lower and wider image changed the 2by2 to this extent! I was astonished to see how much the 30cm longer wheelbase and the lower and wider image had changed the 2by2.
I can’t imagine how wonderful my life would be if I could ride this lovely lady every day without being turned away and without being bothered by her. This “78 FAIRLADY Z GS31 Kai” is a real lady who can make people on the road look back. I would like to express my sincere admiration and gratitude to the owner for her passion.
This vehicle is currently located in Nagano, Japan.
The car is currently out of inspection, but the owner kindly offers it with a new 2-year inspection. Of course, as the vehicle is privately owned, there will be no additional fees or charges. In addition, the owner kindly pays the monthly automobile tax and recycling fee. However, the purchaser is responsible for arranging land transportation, etc.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
The vehicles on this page were listed on “Estate Sale®︎Supremacy”, a cross-border e-commerce site for classic and collectible cars.
What is the Supreme and Best (Supremacy) Estate Sale…?
Estate Sale®︎Spremacy is the Japanese version of the North American cultural estate sale, which introduces cars that are full of the owner’s thoughts and feelings through manuscript preparation based on interviews, and organizes goods and minds.
Unlike a cheap purchase that leaves nothing behind, we guide and mediate the owner to honestly express his/her feelings and ensure that the memories are passed on to the next generation while leaving the hearts of the owners firmly intact.
We conduct detailed interviews with the current owner, including past maintenance records and repair history, and cover whether or not the vehicle has been in an accident. If there is a history of major accidents, or if the current owner’s ownership history is extremely short and we do not know the details, we will decline the interview.
The content of this article was written based on an interview with the owner, materials received, and a test drive experience during a 3-hour interview period.
Please be aware that this may not always be a 100% accurate description of the condition of the vehicle, due to the limited time available.
The content of the original manuscripts is based on careful research in Japan and overseas, but is not backed up by any on-site inspection or other verification. Please be aware that comments on the condition of the vehicles are based on the weather and conditions at the time of the interview, as well as the author’s own subjective opinion.
If you have any questions about the listed vehicles, please contact us from the bottom of this page.
Please note that the vehicle inspection is only for customers who are considering to purchase the vehicle.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.