
TOP>Stock List>1986model Citroen CX25 Prestige


Citroen CX25 Prestige

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A neo-classic that will make you see things differently...! Full original condition is a must see........ The "glide ride" of the mechanical analogue hydro-pneumatic of a bygone era is now awe-inspiring........ This 2-owner car, with a well-preserved history, is a sight to behold today, 36 years after its launch...!

The shutters of the RC garage slowly opened, and the 86 Citroën CX25 Prestige we were asked to interview gradually revealed its gorgeous appearance….
The Citroen is parked with the level control at the lowest position to prevent gas pressure in the sphere when the engine is not running, but its “standing” appearance is quite lovely and wonderful.
The CX25 wakes up instantly when the owner starts the engine, and slowly raises the level to the normal driving height as the engine starts…. In today’s age of digital technology, the analog mechanical hydro-pneumatic system is truly animal-like…. It is like imagining a camel resting its legs and slowly getting up to leave on a journey. It was a very good thing to imagine the mellow time spent with the car….


The owner says... "After driving Citroen CX25 Prestige, when I drive other latest M or B, I feel as if the suspension is broken.... Gliding along in the seats of the Citroën, like a superlative sofa, is a true pleasure of highway travel...!

This time, we visited a beautiful garage full of the owner’s passion…. The owner is actively enjoying an enthusiast life with his precious vehicles in a wonderful garage environment where he can see all of his wonderful collection from the 1950s to the 1970s from the interior three-dimensional structure.

The owner was greatly impressed by the national character and culture of France when he visited the country on business.
The owner was greatly impressed by the culture of the people of France, and the form of the Citroen running on the cobblestones in the streets of Paris left a beautiful impression on her mind. They are looking for a rare one-owner car with no missing buttons on the seat cushions and in the best condition in Japan.

The car was brought to a familiar doctor in the neighborhood for inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and replacement of consumable parts. As you can see in the video, the 2.5L 4-cylinder engine is very responsive, and the owner says, “There are no problems or concerns at all…! The owner of this 86 CX25 Prestige is in excellent original condition……..


The family pleaded, "Please don't sell this car...!"

In our coverage activities, we see a wide variety of owners’ thoughts and feelings…. We often see family members recommending that owners who do not want to give up their homes give them up for reasons such as garage conditions. The owner of the garage is very determined to let it go, but this time was different….

His wife and daughter pleaded with him, “Please don’t let go of this Citroen…”….
The family loved the mechanical hydro-pneumatic system, which is very analogous to Citroen cars of this age, the seats that are like luxury sofas, and the self-centering system that makes the car drive straight. The car’s character was that it tried to drive straight.

Citroen CX25 Prestige” which has created many memories with his family….

The seats in particular are outstanding, and the design of this 86 year old family favorite is also outstanding with modern lines and no missing buttons…. The gun grip type door opener, all the switches are placed within the driver’s reach…. From the interior to the exterior, the design and philosophy of the 1970s, which looked far into the future, has been consistently applied for nearly half a century.
Today, nearly half a century later, the design and philosophy are still as rich as ever. This is the true charm of Citroen.


The last... real Citroen... CX series

The Citroën CX series followed the DS series and was the flagship car of Citroën, created in 1974 by the genius car designer Robert Opron, who was nominated as one of the 25 most important car designers of the 20th century, and sold until 1991, especially the The Prestige was positioned as the highest class among them….

In its native France, it was an official car authorized by the French government, including former President Jacques Chirac. The CX, which was named European Car of the Year in 1975, was called “the last real Citroën,” partly because it was developed just before Peugeot took over the company. It is a car that has captured the souls of enthusiasts around the world….

The design, which thoroughly pursued aerodynamic resistance unique to Citroën, including the naming of the car with the “CX,” a symbol of aerodynamics, is characterized by the self-leveling suspension system mechanically controlled by nitrogen gas and hydraulic pressure mounted on the Sphere, the characteristic recessed rear hatch, the glass surface, and other features that naturally aggregate rainwater. The design of the Sphere’s distinctive recessed rear hatch glass surface, for example, is a wonderful and pragmatic integration of design elements that naturally collect rainwater and reduce aerodynamic drag from the standpoint of eliminating the need for a rear wiper….

Hydro-pneumatic self-leveling suspension…. Self-centering power steering system. The unique Citroen-style interior design eliminates the steering column stalk, allowing the driver to reach all controls with both hands on the steering wheel…a philosophical and advanced aggregate that envisions a far future in terms of mechanism.

As shown in the video, the CX series does not have an auto-canceling mechanism for the turn signals…. The driver must turn off the switch after completing a turn, but Citroen’s design policy is that “the blinkers are not cancelled by themselves, it is a conscious decision by the driver…” The Citroen design policy states that “the blinkers do not cancel on their own, it is a conscious decision by the driver…”.

The Citroën CX25 Prestige, once described in France as “looking like a ship crossing the ocean floor, hovering over the unevenness of the road…” Another characteristic of this car is that it was developed and improved very slowly so as to leave something for posterity, and from 1974 to From 1974 to 1991, 1,170,645 CXs were produced, and the baton was passed on to the DX series…. Of course, the CX series had a great impact on the subsequent motorization and retired….

Of course, after that, everything was controlled electronically, but it may be a privilege of the last genuine Citroen to be able to experience the good parts of the mechanical analogue…….


1986 Citroën CX25 Prestige Post-Coverage...

As a car enthusiast, I wondered if I would ever be able to live the rest of my life without knowing the taste of Citroen’s analog mechanical hydro-pneumatic system, the last of its kind. I was thinking about it all the way home from the interview.

I have a special attraction for the distinctive styling of the DS, which was created in the mid-century era of Citroën’s prewar history. I have done a lot of research and written this introduction……..

A neo-classic that will make you see things differently…! Full original condition is superb…! The “glide ride” created by the mechanical analog hydro-pneumatic of a long time ago is now impressive…! This 2-owner car, with a well-preserved history, is a sight to behold today, 36 years after its launch…!

A rare example of the deep love of an owner who knows the charm of a classic and the love of his family…….86 Citroen CX 25 Prestige is located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture……..

I am sure that those who see this car will feel the same way as I do….

Please come to Nagano Prefecture to see such a fascinating French car….

This 1986 Citroen CX25 Prestige is currently located in Nagano, Japan.

Since this vehicle is being offered for sale by a private individual, no consumption tax or other fees will be charged, but the monthly auto tax and recycling deposit will need to be paid separately.
The buyer will be responsible for the transportation of the car, but I am also in charge of classic car transportation. If you have any requests, please feel free to contact us.

For inquiries…

The vehicles on this page were listed on “Estate Sale®︎Supremacy”, a cross-border e-commerce site for classic and collectible cars.

What is the “Supreme and Best (Supremacy) Estate Sale….

Estate Sale®︎Spremacy is the Japanese version of the North American cultural estate sale, which introduces cars that are filled with the owner’s thoughts and feelings through manuscript preparation based on interviews, and organizes goods and minds.
Unlike a cheap purchase that leaves nothing behind, we guide and mediate the owner to honestly express his/her feelings and ensure that the memories are passed on to the next generation while leaving the hearts of the owners firmly intact.

We conduct detailed interviews with the current owner, including past maintenance records and repair history, and cover whether or not the vehicle has been in an accident. If there is a history of major accidents, or if the current owner’s ownership history is extremely short and we do not know the details, we will decline the interview.

This article was written based on an interview with the owner, materials received, and a test drive experience during a 3-hour interview starting at 11:00 a.m. on September 25, 2022.
Please be aware that this may not be a 100% accurate description of the condition of the car due to the limited time available.
The content of the original manuscripts is based on careful research in Japan and overseas, but is not backed up by any on-site inspection or other verification. Please be aware that comments on the condition of the vehicles are based on the weather and conditions at the time of the interview, as well as the author’s own subjective opinion.
If you have any questions about the listed vehicles, please contact us from the bottom of this page.
Please note that the vehicle inspection is only for customers who are considering to purchase the vehicle.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.














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